We have Set Our BGMC Goal for 2025 - The Highest Goal Ever!
We hope you can join our Boys and Girls this year.
Men - Great Breakfast, Warm Fellowship and Bible Study - Don't miss it!
Study brought to you by Brother Tim Acord
Don’t forget to check our Romans before breakfast
Ladies - Plan to join us as we begin a new study of the Book of Philippians
Looking forward to our next great night together at River of Life!
A great night away from home!
Financial Peace is Coming to River of Life!
If you've felt like you can never get ahead with money, listen: You can change your future—and the best way is with other people walking alongside you.
Our church is starting Financial Peace University classes on Wednesdays 5 FEB - 9 APL 2025, which have helped nearly 10 million people win with money! And you can join one of these classes completely free. Simply email your name and email address to ROLAGTuscola@gmail.com
You will not want to miss our Special Christmas Service at 10:30 Sunday 22 December
Steven Forester is a gifted puppeteer and minister sure to encourage all from the kids to old adults
Pastor Max McCloud with the Lord
Visitation at River of Life A/G Friday 15 November 5 - 8 PM. Funeral at V. Victory Center 1 pm Saturday dinner to follow at V. Baptist at 3 pm Saturday
Community Thanksgiving Service
Hope you can plan on joining us for fellowship service with desserts following worship service
Upcoming Water Baptism at River of Life A/G!
You are invited to be Water Baptized - 24 November 2024 - You will not want to miss this opportunity to tell all of how you placed your trust in Jesus Christ as your savior!
Thurstons Coming to Minister
You will not want to miss this one!